
newpaper 18mar2022
Newspaper clipping from April 24, 1972

Exploration began in 1962 and first gold intercepts were found between 1962 and 1964 as a result of testing coincident magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies. 

The Joutel Project hosted the past-producing Eagle-Telbel mining camp went on to produce 1.1Moz @ 6.5 g/t Au from 1974 until it ceased operating in 1993

  • Historical mining at the Telbel mine (pre-50/50 JV) focused on exploitation of a single zone between the 600- to 1,000-m levels after completing a drift from the Eagle Mine (100%-MGM) at ~750 m
  • After the Eagle-Telbel mine closure in 1993 the Joutel Project shifted to reclamation work. The old analogue drill and stope data remained in paper format until the JV invested approximately C$600k and the better part of 2021 to digitize everything and create a new 3D model

The figure below shows grade contouring and highlighted historical drill intercepts beyond what was historically exploited.

joutel figure

Three initial deep drillholes (1,500 – 2,000 m) will be completed to test the Telbel mineralized system at depth, as part of an additional $4.8M JV deep drilling campaign (see corporate presentation for more information).


After the Eagle-Telbel mine closure in 1993 the Joutel Project shifted to reclamation work. The old analogue drill and stope data remained in paper format until the JV invested approximately C$600k and the better part of 2021 to digitize everything and create a new 3D model